
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Research Policy Handbook


Tuition Allowance for Research Assistants

Now in Policy Details

Defines the Tuition Allowance component of compensation for Graduate Student Research Assistants, and the manner in which that cost is shared between sponsored project funds and University or School funds.

1. Introduction

Graduate Student Assistantships are a form of student employment, earning a compensation package including both salary and tuition allowance (TAL) for the performance of research or teaching services to the University as part of the student’s academic and professional training and development.

A 50% Research Assistant will receive a per-quarter Tuition Allowance equal to the value of 8-9-10 units of tuition for each quarter of the appointment. Students with appointments of less than 50% receive a proportionately smaller amount of Tuition Allowance. 

Except in the case of Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) students, no Tuition Allowance will be paid during Autumn, Winter, or Spring quarters unless the student is enrolled for 8-9-10 units. Departments may override this enrollment requirement in the case of students who need less than 8-9-10 units in order to reach TGR status.

Tuition charges and Tuition Allowance are based on the student's home school tuition rate, regardless of the location of the assistantship.

The University requires that any outside tuition support to which students have access will be used to the full extent before Tuition Allowance is claimed. Acceptance of a Stanford assistantship appointment obliges a student to inform the department of any other aid received.

2. Cost of the Tuition Allowance

Except for TGR tuition, the cost of the Tuition Allowance is shared between the sponsored project funds supporting the assistantship and Stanford University or School funds. The manner in which this cost is shared will differ between the School of Medicine and all other Schools.

A. Principal Investigators Outside of the School of Medicine

Beginning Fall Quarter 2023, 45% of the cost of Tuition Allowance for Research Assistants is charged directly to the source of funding that supports the Research Assistant's salary. The remaining 55% of the cost of Tuition Allowance is charged to University General Funds, or in the Graduate School of Business, to the School. The tuition charge will be based on the tuition rate applicable to the School and the degree program in which the student is registered.

B. Principal Investigators in the School of Medicine

81% of the cost of Tuition Allowance for Research Assistants is charged directly to the source of funding that supports the Research Assistant's salary. The remaining 19% of the cost of Tuition Allowance will be absorbed within the School of Medicine. In budgeting Research Assistant positions, Principal Investigators should use either the graduate student or medical student rate, based on best judgment about who will fill the position(s). The tuition charge will be based on the tuition rate applicable to the School and degree program in which the student is registered.

3. Allocation of Tuition

TGR tuition is not shared; the full TGR rate is charged to the project on which the student is working.

The Graduate Financial Support (GFS) System will automatically calculate the Tuition Allowance associated with a Research Assistantship appointment, including the appropriate charges to project and to University or School funds.

The amount of Tuition Allowance to be charged to University or school funds can be shown as cost-sharing on sponsored project proposals. This policy regarding the charging of Tuition Allowance will apply to all sponsored projects, including non-government grants and contracts.

Tuition Allowance is an exclusion from the Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) base.