
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Research Policy Handbook


Control of Property

Now in Policy Details

Summarizes responsibilities for handling sponsor-funded/owned and University-funded equipment and property.

1. Introduction

This policy outlines the responsibilities for sponsor-funded/owned and University-funded equipment. Procedures are mandatory under Stanford's sponsored contracts and grants as well as under University policy. It is important that the policies concerning such equipment are carefully followed to ensure that Stanford is complying with all of its contractual and legal obligations.

2. Responsibilities for Sponsor-Funded/Owned Property

A. Direct Control

Stanford University is responsible for the control of sponsor-funded/owned property provided under the terms of sponsored project contracts and certain sponsored project grants. The University delegates the direct control, maintenance, and accountability of sponsor-funded/owned property used in connection with a contract or grant to the PI. PIs may assign property control functions to the project staff, research coordinator, department property administrator, departmental administrator, or laboratory administrative staff.

B. Policies and Procedures

University policies and procedures on control of sponsor-funded/owned property are established by Property Management Office (PMO) and the Office of Research Administration (ORA) to insure compliance with contractual requirements. The University delegates oversight of sponsor-funded/owned property to the Property Management Office.

C. Government Contracting Officer

University policies and procedures on control of sponsor-funded/owned property are established by Property Management Office (PMO) and the Office of Research Administration (ORA) to insure compliance with contractual requirements. The University delegates oversight of sponsor-funded/owned property to the Property Management Office.

D. Government Property Administrator

A Government Property Administrator is designated by the Government contracting officer for each contract or grant involving Government property. Frequently the designated Government Property Administrator is the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Resident Representative. The ONR Resident Representative assumes responsibility for reviewing Stanford's property control procedures, for examining property records, and for insuring that Government interests are protected.

3. Procedures for All Capital Equipment Acquisitions

A. Definition of Capital Equipment

Capital equipment is defined as equipment with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and useful life of more than one year.

Fabricated equipment, where the aggregate cost of the components is $5,000 or more and where the fabricated asset has a useful life of more than one year, is defined as capital.

B. Stanford Property Administration Manual

Directly related procedures, policies and instructions for acquiring, controlling, shipping, moving, and disposing of sponsor-funded/owned and University property (including loaned and donated property) are contained in the Stanford Property Administration Manual, which is available to department property administrators from the University Property Management Office.

C. Sunflower Assets

  1. Official Record
    Stanford's system of record for property is called Sunflower Assets, a part of Stanford's Oracle Financial system.
  2. Responsible Office
    Sunflower Assets is controlled and maintained by the University Property Management Office (PMO).