
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.

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Shared Research Platforms

Who We Are

The Vice Provost and Dean of Research (VPDoR) Shared Research Platforms team aims to strengthen capability and accessibility of Stanford shared research facilities and platforms spanning science, engineering, medicine and sustainability. We support PIs and research teams across all Stanford schools and VPDoR units by reducing access barriers and inequities in critical research resources. We enable smooth paths to locating, navigating, and exploiting available resources. The Shared Research Platforms team administers grant programs that support equipment upgrades, acquisition of new capabilities, and enable experiential learning for users of shared facilities. We also support new faculty at Stanford jump-start their research by providing seed grants/vouchers to access shared facilities. 

Quick Facts-final


The initiative of the Community of Shared Research Platforms (C-ShaRP) is re-imagining shared facilities at Stanford. Today’s and tomorrow’s biggest challenges -- ranging from plastics recycling to personalized health, quantum computing, sustainability, and space exploration -- require outstanding, well-run facilities.  Stanford was an early leader in developing models for shared facilities, but the scale, interdisciplinarity, and team-based nature of research today demand yet greater coordination and planning. To enable the next big breakthrough, C-ShaRP coordinates ideas and investments to advance and democratize access to modern, state-of-the-art instrumentation and scientific/technical staff, allowing users to craft the most bold, innovative, rigorous experiments that advance human knowledge. We imagine a new paradigm for fundamental and translational research platforms with cutting-edge, inter-connected, coordinated infrastructure for world-changing research. 

C-ShaRP manages three internal funding programs:
  • C-ShaRP Instrumentation & Enhancement Program: for acquisitions, programs, or other enhancements to Shared Facilities that benefit the user community at large. 


  • Experiential Learning Proposals: for educational efforts that leverage Stanford’s Shared Research Facilities to enrich scientific learning journeys with hands-on experiences. 


  • Shared Facilities Voucher Proposals: for new Faculty at Stanford to explore, access and use services offered in the extensive network of shared facilities.   

A list of recurring federal instrumentation and infrastructure funding opportunities is prepared by the Research Development Office

Our Team

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Claudius Mundoma, PhD, MBA
Director, Shared Research Platforms

Yang Bai_profile_photo_zoom

Yang Bai, PhD
Senior Program Manager, Shared Research Platforms


Service Center Manual
  • Service centers are large and small “businesses”, providing services that are essential to support the University's teaching and research functions. 
  • This manual established by Office of Research Administration Policy & Compliance (RAPC) provides general policies, operating and accounting practices, user guidelines, and capital equipment processes for Stanford service centers. 
  • Vrinda Gopal, Senior Director of Policy and Compliance, is available to provide further guidance.


The List of Research Resource ID (RRID) for Stanford Shared Facilities

Please include RRID to cite shared facilities in your publication, e.g. “This work was supported by the Community of Shared Research Platforms (RRID:SCR_022986).”

RRID Shared Facility Name Oversight School
RRID:SCR_017801 Stanford University Mass Spectrometry (SUMS) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_014529 Center for Cognitive Neurobiological Imaging (CNI) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_022986 Community of Shared Research Platforms (c-ShaRP) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023237 Sarafan ChEM-H Protein Engineering Knowledge Center (PEKC) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023235 Sarafan ChEM-H High Throughput Screening Knowledge Center (HTSKC) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023238 Sarafan ChEM-H Knowledge Centers VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023233 Sarafan ChEM-H Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center (MSKC) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023232 Sarafan ChEM-H Medicinal Chemistry Knowledge Center (MCKC) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023236 Sarafan ChEM-H Metabolomics Knowledge Center (MKC) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023230 Stanford Nano Shared Facilities (SNSF) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023413 Stanford Research Computing Center  VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023249 Wu Tsai Behavioral and Functional Neuroscience Laboratory (BFNL) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023250 Wu Tsai Gene Vector and Virus Core (GVVC) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_024528 Wu Tsai Koret Human Neurosciences Community Laboratory  VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023257 Wu Tsai Neuroscience Microscopy Service (NMS) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023254 Wu Tsai Neuroscience Preclinical Imaging Laboratory (NPIL) VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023248 Wu Tsai Vincent V.C. Woo Sandbox Laboratory  VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023251 Wu Tsai Visualization Laboratory VPDoR
RRID:SCR_023325 Chemistry Department NMR Facility H&S
RRID:SCR_023405 Chemistry Department Optics Core Facility H&S
RRID:SCR_023410 Stanford Center for High Throughput Quantitative Biology (SCIQUBE) H&S
RRID:SCR_023255 Environmental Measurements Facility (EMF) SDSS
RRID:SCR_023252 Geochronology Cluster Core Facility (GCC) SDSS
RRID:SCR_023256 Microchemical Analysis Facility (MAF) SDSS
RRID:SCR_023258 SDSS Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL) SDSS
RRID:SCR_023253 Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory (SIBL) SDSS
RRID:SCR_023259 Stanford SIGMA Core Facility (SIGMA) SDSS
RRID:SCR_025000 Geomicrobiology Shared Laboratories (GML) SDSS
RRID:SCR_025082 Stanford Cosmogenic Isotope Laboratory (SCI-Lab) SDSS
RRID:SCR_025801 Stanford Mineralogy and Petrology Lab (M&P) SDSS
RRID:SCR_025800 Stanford MicroCT Facility (MCT) SDSS
RRID:SCR_024529 Additive Manufacturing and Prototyping Facility (AMPF) SoE
RRID:SCR_023383 Computer Science Department Computer Core Facility SoE
RRID:SCR_023229 SNF Systems Prototyping Facility (SNF-SPF) SoE
RRID:SCR_024527 Stanford Microfluidics Foundry (SMF) SoE
RRID:SCR_023234 Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF) SoE
RRID:SCR_002050 Stanford Genomics Service Center (SGSC) SoM
RRID:SCR_023384 Animal Diagnostic Laboratory SoM
RRID:SCR_017787 Cell Sciences Imaging Facility (CSIF) SoM
RRID:SCR_023404 Computational Services and Bioinformatics Facility (CSBF) SoM
RRID:SCR_024736 Cryo-Electron Microscopy Center (cEMc) SoM
RRID:SCR_023407 Cyclotron and Radiochemistry Facility (CRF) SoM
RRID:SCR_023385 Stem Cell Institute FACS Core  SoM
RRID:SCR_017788 Stanford Shared FACS Facility  SoM
RRID:SCR_018266 Human Immune Monitoring Center (HIMC) SoM
RRID:SCR_023341 Human Pathology Histology Services Laboratory  SoM
RRID:SCR_023342 In Vitro Biosafety Level-3 Service Center (BSL3) SoM
RRID:SCR_023343 PET/MRI Metabolic Service Center (PET-MRI) SoM
RRID:SCR_023381 Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (SCi3-P) SoM
RRID:SCR_023326 Protein and Nucleic Acid Facility (PAN) SoM
RRID:SCR_023344 Richard M. Lucas Center for Imaging SoM
RRID:SCR_023345 Stanford Center for Innovation in In vivo Imaging (SCi3) SoM
RRID:SCR_023340 Stanford Genetics Bioinformatics Service Center (GBSC) SoM
RRID:SCR_023346 Stanford University Biobank SoM
RRID:SCR_023382 Transgenic, Knockout and Tumor model Center (TKTC) SoM
RRID:SCR_023328 Translational Applications Service Center (TASC) SoM
RRID:SCR_023388 Veterinary Service Center (VSC) SoM



FY24 c-ShaRP Voucher Inaugural Awards
PI (First Last) PI - Affiliation Proposal Title Participating Shared Facility(ies)
Tobias, Lanz Immunology and Reumatology, SoM Determining the Molecular Structure of GlialCAM to Understand its Function in Neurodegeneration and Autoimmunity The Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center (MSKC) at Sarafan ChEM-H
Leora, Dresselhaus-Marais Materials Science and Engineering, SoE Atomic mechanisms of iron oxide whiskering in hydrogen-based direct reduction Stanford Nano Shared Facility (SNSF)
Danielle, Mai Chemical Engineering, SoE Multiplexed fabrication of transparent biomimetic nanodevices Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF)
Capucine, van-Rechem* Pathology (Pathology Research), SoM Direct roles of mSWI/SNF’s ATPases in translation Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center, (MSKC) Sarafan ChEM-H
Cameron, Ellis Psychology, H&S Robust sequence for Magnetic Resonance Imaging awake infants Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging (CNI)
Ayelet, Voskoboynik Biology, H&S Characterization of BHF: a Gene that Controls Self/Non-Self Recognition The Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center (MSKC) at Sarafan ChEM-H
Florentine, Rutaganira Biochemistry and of Developmental Biology, H&S Illuminating Subcellular Phosphotyrosine Signaling in Choanoflagellates Cell Sciences Imaging Facility (CSIF); Stanford Shared FACS facility (SSFF)
Kyle, Daniels Genetics, SoM High-throughput engineering of receptors and signaling adapters to program anti-tumor immune cells Stanford Shared FACS facility (SSFF)
Mudit, Trivedi Anthropology, SDSS Multianalytical investigations into Archaeological glass: SEM & stable-isotope insights into premodern South Asian glass alchemy Microchemical Analysis Facility; Electron Microprobe Lab Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry lab (SIBL)
Ryann, Fame Neurosurgery, SoM Identifying developmental origins of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins Gene Vector and Viral core (GVVC); Sci3; Stanford University Mass Spectrometry (SUMS)
Beverley, McKeon Mechanical Engineering, SoE Fusing the laboratory and high-performance computing: tools for real-time complex flow observation, estimation and manipulation Stanford High Performance Computing Center (HPCC)
Wen-Jun, Shen* Cardiovascular Medicine, SoM LC-MS analysis of 12,13-diHOME in mice serum at Stanford Mass Spectrometry Core Stanford University Mass Spectrometry (SUMS)
Sabine, Heitzeneder Instructor, Stanford Institutes of Medicine, SoM Develop TCR-based immunotherapies for childhood cancer by scTCRseq Human Immune Monitoring Center (HIMC)
William, Goodyer Pediatrics (Cardiology), SoM Validation of Cntn2-800: A Novel Optical Imaging Tool to Visualize the Cardiac Conduction System Neuroscience Microscopy Service (NMS)
Gozde, Durmus* Radiology (Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford), SoM A Microgravity-on-Chip Platform for Protein Crystallization Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center (MSKC)
Craig, Levin* Radiology (Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford/Nuclear Medicine) and, by courtesy, of Physics, of Electrical Engineering and of Bioengineering Exploring multiplexed PET imaging with initial applications in immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy Stanford Center for Innovation and In vivo Imaging (SCi3)
Steven, Corsello Oncology and, by courtesy, of Chemical and Systems Biology, SoM Identifying the molecular target of an anti-pancreatic cancer compound Protein and Nucleic Acid (PAN) Biotechnology Facility
Ruth, Huttenhain Molecular and Cellular Physiology, SoM Fluorescent assay for G-protein coupled receptor trafficking Stanford University Cell Sciences Imaging Core Facility (CSIF), Shriram Center; Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting Facility (FACS), Beckman Center
Nicolas, Altemose Genetics, SoM Human Satellite DNA arrays as a novel hub for Hippo transcription factors YAP and TEAD Stanford Neuroscience Microscopy Service
Hawa Racine, Thiam Bioengineering and of Microbiology and Immunology Mimicking and manipulating immune cells microenvironments. The Microfluidic Foundry
c-ShaRP Working Groups


  • Enriching the Undergraduate and Graduate learning experience by leveraging Shared Resources to support a coherent educational mission at Stanford. We envision building an equitable, “library” like model to access shared resources – providing curriculum and grant-writing support, materials, lectures, online training, hands-on experiences, and tailored “helpdesk” consultation – to facilitate research progress and promote real-world skills to prepare students for successful careers at Stanford and beyond.

Data Ecosystems

  • Access to information enables researchers to be more productive and shared facilities’ staff to better support them. The Data Ecosystem Working Group (led by Mary Tang and Jon Mulholland) aims to expand existing and create new information pathways to connect researchers, facilities’ staff, equipment, and knowledge, that democratize access to data and intelligence to use it.


  • With c-ShARP serving as a hub for Service Centers and researchers, the Operations group will develop the infrastructure to centralize Administrative and Financial services for Shared Resources, coordinate c-ShARP Membership and Recruitment, and build a Central Portal for marketing Shared Resource services/events.


  • Developing and maintaining state-of-the-art shared facilities requires anticipating instrumentation, staffing, and infrastructure needs, in order to plan and capitalize on large capital investments and opportunities.  The Roadmap Working Group will develop a multi-year vision for shared facilities so that our collective needs can be communicated, to each other and to our senior leadership.

Our Ecosystem

Partners Area of Collaboration
VPDoR - Facilities Guidance and insights on shared facility space
VPDoR IT and University IT Maintaining optimum IT operations for data transfer
VPDoR Research Development Office Internal and external shared instrumentation grant proposals
VPDoR and University Communications Outreach
Finance Administration and financial tracking of grant programs
Libraries Data management plans in equipment grant proposals
Property Records Equipment purchases and inventory
Environmental Health and Safety Maintaining safe operations within all facilities
University Corporate and Foundation Relations Foundation grants and corporate engagement
VPDoR Human Resources Recruitment
Leadership of schools, departments, and institutes Funding for equipment grants and programs
Research Administration Policy and Compliance Rate setting for services in shared facilities

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Stanford University is committed to providing an online environment that is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. 

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