Doing research at Stanford?
Stanford University's research landscape is wonderfully rich, but it is also complex and may be difficult to navigate. This section of DoResearch is intended to serve all Stanford faculty, staff and students, new and experienced, as a hub that organizes and provides access to the many laws, regulations, and policies that may be applicable to one's research, and to resources that enable research.
Handbooks, Manuals, & Guides
Property Management Manual
The manual contains policies and business processes used for the control, care, custody, inventory, disposition, and financial reporting of capital equipment (referred to as “property”) owned and/or otherwise accountable to Stanford University.
Service Center Manual
Service centers are large and small “businesses”, providing services that are essential to support the University's teaching and research functions. There are three types of Service centers, Academic, Administrative, and Specialized facilities.
Space Inventory
Stanford University uses the iSpace system to track the occupancy and use of all the rooms in Stanford on campus buildings and in off campus buildings leased for use by Stanford organizations.
Additional Policy Resources
Administrative Guide
The Administrative Guide is Stanford's official manual for administrative policies. Contents include chapters on Organization, Personnel, Accounting, Gifts, Procurement, Computing and Services.
Faculty Handbook
The Faculty Handbook contains University policies and procedures that apply to those holding professorial appointments in the tenure line, non-tenure line, University Medical Line, as Senior Fellow at specified policy centers and institutes, Academic Staff-Teaching (Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Artist-in-Residence), and Other Teaching Titles (acting faculty, consulting faculty, visiting faculty, and voluntary clinical faculty).
Graduate Academic Policies & Procedures
The Graduate Academic Policies & Procedures is a repository for University policies and other information related to the academic progress of Stanford graduate students.