Stanford Research Development Office
Funding Search Databases
GrantForward is a funding search and grant recommendation service. It provides a database of more than 89,000 grants from over 20,000 sponsors updated daily. In addition to searching by keywords and advanced filters, GrantForward also recommends grants based on your research interests. Create a free account and login with your Stanford email address thanks to our institutional subscription.
Pivot is a database that helps you find grant notices in medicine, humanities, social sciences, engineering, and natural sciences from public and private, domestic and international sources. VPDoR's institutional subscription makes this service freely available to the Stanford community. Create an account and login with your Stanford email address.
VPDoR and Stanford Libraries maintain a comprehensive Funding Resources Search data base of opportunities, awarded grants, and news. DeepResearch allows you to search across multiple databases at once. Log in using your Stanford email address.
Stanford Seed Funding
Seed Funding is a site for faculty to find and apply for internal funding opportunities. This service is part of a Dean of Research initiative to reduce the administrative burden incurred by faculty and their teams and to afford them more time for our shared core mission of research and teaching.
A publicly accessible database that houses information on over 1,000 grant programs and vets grant applications for 26 federal grant-making agencies
Managed and hosted by the California State Library and provides a centralized location to find state grant opportunities
Foundation Directory Online
With information on more than 140,000 grantmakers, FDO can help you find the foundation funders you don't know yet. The majority of these grantmakers do not have websites and would otherwise be almost impossible to find. Updated weekly.
Curated by the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Stanford On & Off-Campus Learning Opportunities (SOLO) provides links to current funding opportunities and fellowships for graduate students.
Created: 04/11/24
Updated: 02/26/25