
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


RDO complements other pre-award services in various Stanford offices. We frequently collaborate with these offices to provide holistic support, and/or refer PIs so they can benefit from the experience and expertise available around campus.


Business Affairs provides administrative policies, infrastructure, systems, services, and support for the benefit of the University community.

Corporate and Foundation Relations – CFR helps to foster relationships between Stanford University faculty, companies, and private professional foundations.

Environmental Health & Safety – EHS is the principal health and safety office at Stanford University and works closely with the University Safety Partners, the faculty and managers in the research community and operational units, safety coordinators and safety committees, and departmental and central administrators.

Engineering Research Administration – ERA supports Principal Investigators in the School of Engineering in research development and pre and post award research administrative activities from proposal development and submission to final closeout.

Global Business Services – GBS partners with faculty and administrative staff to deliver business solutions that safeguard, enable, and accelerate international programs, projects, and initiatives.

Industrial Contacts Office – ICO is responsible for reviewing, negotiating and signing research-related agreements on behalf of Stanford with industry and some non-profit collaborators.

Office of Community Engagement – OCE engages Stanford people and programs to strengthen and advance collaboration with external communities.

Office of General Counsel – The Office of General Counsel is responsible for addressing legal issues arising out of the activities of Stanford University.

Office of Development – OOD works to support Stanford’s mission by raising philanthropic support from alumni, parents, families, friends, and institutional funders.

Office of Research Administration – ORA provides an array of high-quality services and expertise to support the research mission and sponsored projects administration at Stanford University.

Office of Sponsored Research – OSR - Pre Award is Stanford’s central office for Sponsored Projects and Research-Related Agreements, including data use agreements.

Office of Technology Licensing – OTL promotes the transfer of Stanford technology for society’s use and benefit while generating unrestricted income to support research and education.

Proposal Development Office – PDO enables Stanford Medicine faculty to pursue transformative biomedical research.

Property Management Office - PMO is responsible for property (capital assets) administration.  They implement property management policies, procedures, online systems, and training, to maintain an effective, compliant asset life cycle property system.

Privacy Office - The Privacy Office provides guidance and training on privacy laws, policies, and best practices.

Research Compliance Office – RCO is responsible for oversight and management of Stanford’s Administrative (Compliance) Panels (IRB, SCRO, and APLAC) and ensures compliance with applicable policies, accreditation standards and external regulations.

Research Management Group – RMG serves as the central resource and expert partner on research administration providing support and oversight of sponsored projects for the School of Medicine.

SLAC – The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory pushes the frontiers of human knowledge and drives discoveries that benefit humankind.