
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Stanford Research Development Office

Data & Statistics For Proposals

Most recent content update: May 16, 2022

Stanford Campus

  • Stanford Facts: An overview and history of the campus with aggregated fun facts such as number of Nobel laureates, total research budget, and number of buildings. Menu options provide access to deeper and sometimes difficult to find by-the-numbers information such as geographic origin of student population, faculty honors, Schools and Institutes, and innovations that have come out of the University
  • Institutional Facts: Information about Stanford's tax and corporate status
  • Internal Data & Findings (Institutional Research and Data Support): Site that compiles various internal Stanford data resources, including undergraduate completion rates, doctoral admissions, and more
  • Enrollment Statistics (Stanford Registrar's Office): Tables with current and historical enrollment statistics at University level as well as broken out by School and Department
  • Degrees Conferred (Stanford Registrar's Office): Tables with current and historical degree statistics totals as well as broken out by type and Department
  • Faculty Demographics (Stanford Office of Faculty Development, Diversity, and Engagement): Reports on faculty composition, rank, and trends

General Resources

  • US Department of Education: Data and Statistics page with a compilation of resources describing schools nation-wide from K-12 through higher education and a link to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
  • CGS/GRE Survey of Graduate Enrollment and Degrees (Council of Graduate Schools): Reports with nation-wide data on applications for admission to graduate school, first-time and total graduate student enrollment, and graduate degrees and certificates conferred. Current year and trend data are presented by broad field, gender, race/ethnicity, citizenship, attendance status, and institutional characteristics.
  • Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering report: In this report, NSF provides statistical information about the participation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering education and employment, with key statistics from a variety of sources. Data and figures are organized into: enrollment, field of degree, employment status, and occupation, including academic careers.
  • National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics: This biennial report offers data that can be used to demonstrate the need for more STEM students and graduates at various levels, as well as the need for increased diversity.