
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Stanford Research Development Office Newsletters

The Research Development Office (RDO) puts out three newsletters: one from our office as a whole, and the other two tailored to specific campus communities and their needs.

Sign up here to receive any or all of our newsletters. (Note that if you already subscribe to one, you will receive an error message that will send you to your subscriber preferences center. There, you can sign up for any additional newsletters you'd like to receive from our office.)

RDO Newsletter

We send out our RDO newsletter roughly twice a year to provide important updates and information on proposal support services available from our team, as well as insights on what’s new in the grants world.

Limited Submissions Newsletter

RDO's weekly Limited Submissions Newsletter announces internal competitions for new funding opportunities with a sponsor-imposed institutional limit on submissions.

Arts & Humanities Funding Newsletter 

RDO's monthly Arts & Humanities Funding Newsletter features timely, curated internal and external funding opportunities to support scholarly endeavors in these fields. 

View recent issues here

External resource: Research Development and Grant Writing News (Institutional Subscription)

RDO is pleased to share our subscription to the Research Development & Grant Writing Subscription Newsletter with the Stanford community. The newsletter is produced by Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC, and contains useful information for both new and seasoned grant writers across disciplines.

You can review each issue, with RDO's highlights, in the archive or access the entire Stanford RDGWN library using your SUNet id. (Note: Per the terms of our institutional subscription, we ask that you maintain SUNet protection and share only with others in the Stanford community.)