
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Research Policy Handbook


Research Funded by the Department of Energy Through SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Now in Policy Details

Provides clarification about health and safety procedures for campus based research funded through the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

1. Safety Policy and Procedures

Stanford University (SU) and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) each have the obligation to provide a safe and healthful working and learning environment. The policies and procedures that SU and SLAC use to meet this obligation may differ, since the two organizations are regulated by different government agencies and operate under different requirements. Line managers (including supervisors and Principal Investigators) have the primary responsibility for assuring this obligation is met in areas under their control.

2. Research Activity Performed at SLAC

Those researchers, staff, and students involved with research conducted at SLAC will plan and carry out such work in accordance with SLAC Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) policy, manual, and processes. Researchers, staff, and students conducting work at SLAC are required to participate in SLAC safety training.

3. Department of Energy Funded Research Activity Performed on the Stanford Campus

Those researchers, staff, and students involved primarily with SLAC funded research conducted on the main SU campus will plan and carry out such work in accordance with SU Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) policies and procedures, which includes development of laboratory-specific safety plans. (These SU Laboratory Safety Plans may refer to and use SLAC safety policy/procedures for the conduct of such research work to minimize differences in work and safety procedures between SLAC and SU campus laboratories.) Researchers, staff, and students conducting work on the SU campus are required to participate in appropriate SU or equivalent SLAC safety training.

Emergency response at either SLAC or SU will follow the host institution protocols.  Recovery activities will be coordinated between SLAC and SU emergency and line organization personnel.

To ensure continued protection of personnel, the public, and the environment during research funded through the SLAC contract and conducted at SLAC and SU, any conflict that may arise shall be resolved between the SU Associate Vice Provost for EH&S and the SLAC ES&H Director.