January 31, 2022
Property Management Manual Excess Table of Contents Go to Policy Search Policies As you type, the following list of policies will be filtered to only the titles that match the entered text. 1 About Property Management 1.1 Overview 1.2 Roles and Responsibilities 2 Acquisition 2.1 Overview 2.2 Accounting 2.3 Purchases 2.4 Loans, Transfers, Leases and Rentals 2.5 Donations and Gifts 2.6 Fabrication 3 In Service 3.1 Receiving 3.2 Identification 3.3 Records 3.4 Physical Inventory 3.5 Use, Maintenance, Storage & Movement 3.6 Security 3.7 Agreement Management 3.8 Reporting 3.9 Property Audits 4 …