
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Stanford uses a database system for tracking the space inventory room information. This web-based system is called iSpace. The primary function of iSpace is to provide a simple and effective process for maintaining accurate information for each room in buildings the University owns or leases.

1. Update Process

Update Process

Department Space Coordinators need to review carefully all space used by their department and update iSpace as necessary. Each respondent must:

  1. Ensure all of your departmental occupied space is coded correctly to the department’s org code in iSpace. You can review this in iSpace in the Room Allocation (iSpace>Room Allocation(Advance Search)>Search Results>Room Details Report). The report can be exported to excel.  When finished, print the report.
  2. Ensure that the physical layout is reflected accurately on the floor plans. Floor plans on website: http\\ Confirm that room numbers listed on the Room Detail Report and floor plans match the actual room numbers for the space. Also check the square footage of each room to determine whether it appears reasonable.
  • If it seems questionable or inaccurate, contact the appropriate person to arrange for someone to measure it.
  • For a completed renovation or new rooms, also contact the appropriate person to arrange for a floor plan update in the new configuration.
  1. Walk through your department's space (in all buildings) to verify physically each room's description and attributes. Redline the report, make notes.
  2. Carefully assess the use of space in each room for all Time Period Allocations during the fiscal year to determine the correct Room Type Code and Function Code(s). A discussion of these codes begins in section 3. Function Code Definitions.
  3. Update iSpace room records for any changes found in the review and walk through process.
  4. Now you can certify your space. See Certification Process.

Accuracy Is Key, Timeliness Helps

As discussed in prior sections of these Instructions, it is crucial that individuals, who are appointed as Space Coordinators by their dean, department head or chair or director complete the Space Inventory accurately. Updated data is the sole basis for new and revised information in iSpace. We require space coordinators to update their Space Inventory on-line for changes or corrections and encourage you to do the updates as soon as possible after a change in usage occurs.

2. iSpace System

iSpace Database

Stanford uses a database system for tracking the space inventory room information. This web-based system is called iSpace. The primary function of iSpace is to provide a simple and effective process for maintaining accurate information for each room in buildings the University owns or leases.

iSpace is a perpetual inventory system and can be updated whenever a change in the use of space occurs. The system can record more than one time period of use during the fiscal year. These multiple Time Period Allocations allow for tracking changes in room occupancy or use during the fiscal year easily without resorting to room splitting or ‘averaging’ the space use.  

iSpace records more than one department in a room. These multiple departments can each be shown with their percentage of use of the room without resorting to room splits.

iSpace tracks the individuals who are responsible for directing the activities in each room.  This person is associated with each department in a room and is recorded in the Primary Individual field. Multiple individuals can each be shown with their percentage of occupancy in the room.

Functional Use coding is associated with the Primary Individual(s) in a room. Multiple Function Codes can each be shown with their percentage of effort in the room.

iSpace Update Access

The space inventory is accessed through iSpace and is available on-line as a web-enabled application.  Anyone with SUNet access can view data in iSpace, however, only designated Department Space Coordinators can input and/or correct data in the system.

To use iSpace, you must be granted access through your SUNet ID.  If you do not already have access, see section 8. Assistance in 1.1 About Space Inventory for the appropriate contact for access and training. 

If necessary, you may update your inventory manually by noting any changes directly on your Space Inventory datasheets and sending them to CMA.  You must pre-arrange this with CMA.

A. Floor Plans

Floor plans for the University’s buildings are available at Stanford Maps and Records: Floor Plans and Space Data.

3. Coding the Data: Definitions and Guidelines

A. Occupancy of Rooms

Occupancy by Department

The Space Inventory process tracks the use of rooms by the occupying department and responsible individuals. The system, iSpace does NOT record “ownership” of rooms. iSpace records occupancy of rooms, even if loaned or borrowed from another department. Thus, department space coordinators should ensure that the final space inventory for the department shows only the rooms that were occupied/used during the fiscal year by the department. The departments are represented by an Oracle Department Code. It is assumed that Space Coordinators are already familiar with the Org Codes at Stanford.

Occupancy by Primary Individual (PI)

In addition to the department, we track the person responsible for directing the activities (Functional Uses) within each room. This person is called the Primary Individual and is associated with each department occupying the room. There may be more than one individual per department recorded by their percentage share. The Primary Individual is one of the following:

  • Faculty Member, especially Principal Investigators. These individuals are tracked by name to their offices and labs.
  • Department Chair, Program Director, or School Dean. These individuals are responsible for the use of the ‘common departmental space’ and are tracked by position title, not by name.
  • Administrative Department Senior Executive (Vice Provost, Director, etc.). These individuals are responsible for all space in a non-academic department and are tracked by position title, not by individual.

Function Codes for each PI

We track the Functional Use Codes to each person responsible for directing the activities within each room.  Each identified Primary Individual will have a segregate set of one or more Functional Use Codes recorded for the specific activities related to their occupancy of the room.

Reporting Period

In the fiscal year when a full census of the space inventory is performed, department space coordinators should consider how the space was used over the entire 12-month fiscal year (September 1 through August 31) and NOT how the space is being used at the moment the space inventory is being updated.