
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


1. Types of Space Codes

In updating the Space Inventory, there are a number of data fields for each room for which information must be provided. Three data fields are the focus of this manual. The remaining data fields are identified and discussed in iSpace Reference Manual. The three elements discussed in greater detail here are:

  • Room Type Code
  • Function Code
  • Percentage of Use     

Categories 2 and 3 together comprise space functionalization.

2. Room Type Codes

The first step in coding space is to determine the correct Room Type Code. The code tells us what kind of room this is. It is important to focus on this first step because Room Type coding influences the determination of the Function Code(s) that is (are) appropriate to the activities in the room. Each room can be generally described as one of the following types of space:

A. Unassignable Areas

Unassignable areas (Room Type Codes 010 – 079) are those portions of a building that are not available for assignment to building occupants, but are necessary for general building operation. By definition, unassignable areas consist exclusively of general circulation, public restrooms, and custodial, mechanical, and structural space.

B. Temporarily Unassignable Areas

Temporarily Unassignable areas (Room Type Codes 081 – 089) are those portions of a building that are (1) held by the provost (2) under alteration (including renovations and space waiting for renovation) or (3) unfinished or unusable.

  1. Room type code 081 can be used for inactive space held by the Provost where the actual room type codes are unknown.
  2. Space that is under alteration may be changed to room type code 082 for larger renovations where the floorplan will be completely different after the renovation with all new room numbers assigned to the space.
  3. Space that has not been finished for use (shell space) and completely unusable space should be assigned room type code 083, 084, or 085 until it is made ready for occupation.

Temporarily Unassignable space follows a 3 Month rule for functional coding.

C. Assignable Areas

Assignable areas (Room Type Codes 100 – 989) are those portions of a building that are available for assignment to building occupants. If the space changed room type during the year, the space should be coded appropriately for each proportion of time. This situation is discussed in greater detail in the “Recording Multiple Room Type and/or Department Codes” section below.

Clearly, rooms of the same or similar physical characteristics can be used for a variety of purposes. The physical characteristics of an office, a small conference room, a seminar room, and even a dormitory room are very similar, if not identical; it is the use of the room that is the distinguishing factor. Therefore, respondents should consider the primary or predominant purpose of the space when choosing the appropriate Room Type Code.

D. Room Type Classification Ranges

The Room Type Code is a 3-digit numerical code that corresponds to a description for each type of room (e.g., seminar room, class lab, office-faculty). Each room must be assigned a Room Type Code.

Room Type Classification Ranges
Descriptions Codes
Unassignable Areas 010-079
Temporarily Unassignable Areas 080-089
Assignable Areas  
Classrooms 100-199
Class Laboratories 200-249
Non-Class Laboratories 250-255
Special Lab Support 256-269
Offices 300-399
Library Facilities 400-499
Special Use Facilities 500-599
General Use Facilities 600-699
Support Facilities 700-799
Health Care Facilities 800-899
Residential Facilities 900-989

Clearly, rooms of the same or similar physical characteristics can be used for a variety of purposes.  The physical characteristics of an office, a small conference room, a seminar room, and even a dormitory room are very similar, if not identical; it is the use of the room that is the distinguishing factor.  Therefore, respondents should consider the primary or predominant purpose of the space when choosing the appropriate Room Type Code.