
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


1. Specialized Service Facility: Function Code F

Uniform Guidance defines “Specialized Service Facilities” (SSF) as “institutional services involving the use of highly complex or specialized facilities such as electronic computers, wind tunnels, and reactors...” Because the language in Uniform Guidance is not precise, the University has defined an SSF service center as one which meets all three of the following criteria.

  1. The center must incur annual expenses of at least one million dollars.
  2. The center must “materially” affect Stanford’s Organized Research indirect cost rate (“materially” means by greater than one-tenth of a point). 
  3. The center’s services must not be easily available from an outside vendor.

Only the School of Medicine Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine’s Veterinary Service Center (VSC) is a qualified SSF service center allowed to use this function code for their occupied space.

2. Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC): Function Code O

This function code is used exclusively for space used in research on Stanford University campus (GLAM, Astrophysics) for contracts that are administered by SLAC (primarily DOE) and are segregated  in IDC rate calculations to a separate cost pool.

3. Inactive Space: Function Code E

Inactive space is that which is usable and could be occupied, but voluntarily is not being used for longer than 3 consecutive months. This space should continue to be assigned its normal Room Type Code (e.g., office, lab, classroom) but be functionalized as "E" (Inactive) space.

However, if the space was/will be inactive for 3 consecutive months or less, the space should be coded based on one of the following criteria:

  • If the space was not in use prior to becoming inactive, or has transferred to a new department, the space should be coded (room type and function) based on the projected use. Example: a student office in a new building which was opened during the fiscal year will not be filled until the following quarter.
  • If the space was in use prior to becoming inactive, the space should maintain the coding (room type and function) as reported prior to its inactive status. Example: a student office that is not assigned for one quarter during the year.

A. Idle Space

Idle space is comprised of the following situations:  (1) space that is inactive, or (2) space under out of service (under renovation). An important question in the decision on how to functionally code idle space is “how long the space was/will be idle?”

  • If the space was/will be idle for 3 consecutive months or less, the space coding is dependent on the normal “activity” in the room.
  • If the space was/will be idle for longer than 3 consecutive months, the space should be coded based on the idle situation - which is either Inactive (Function Code “E”) or Out of Service (Function Code “X”).

Please see the detailed discussion on how to code Inactive or Temporarily Unassignable Space above.

4. Temporarily Unassignable Space: Function Code X

Temporarily Unassignable is space that is temporarily not usable because those portions of a building are either (1) unfinished/unusable or (2) under alteration (including space awaiting renovation). The space may continue to be assigned its normal Room Type Code, or may be re-classed to Room Type Codes 081 – 085 for multi-room spaces where the floor plan will change.

If the space was/will be temporarily unassignable for longer than 3 consecutive months, it should be coded to the appropriate room type and Function Code “X”.

However, if the space was/will be temporarily unassignable for 3 consecutive months or less, the space should be coded based on one of the following criteria:

  1. If the projected functional use is known, the space should be treated as if it had been in service from the beginning of the renovation/build out and coded appropriately
  2. If the post-renovation functional coding is not known, the space may maintain the coding as reported prior to the renovation.

5. Unassignable Space: Function Code Z

Unassignable space is portions of a building that are not available for assignment to building occupants, but are necessary for general building operation. By definition, unassignable areas consist exclusively of general circulation, public restrooms, and custodial, mechanical, and structural space.

This function code is used for all unassignable space in Room Type Codes less than 080.