Stanford Research Development Office

Curated Funding Opportunities in STEM, including Quantitative Social Sciences

Selected Open Funding Opportunities

RDO curates this list of open funding opportunities in STEM* to highlight large, collaborative, and/or strategic funding opportunities that may be of particular interest to the Stanford community. Please note that STEM* includes social sciences that utilize quantitative methods.

Summaries of selected funding opportunities have been compiled from,, and other agency announcements below. See our Find Funding Overview for more ways to search funding opportunities in your area of interest. This page will be regularly updated to spotlight new opportunities.

Looking for something you've seen here in the past? Review past opportunities in our archive (SUNet ID required).


Title/Sponsor Next Deadline Description Amount/Notes
USDA International Climate Hub Collaboration (USDA-FAS-10960-0700-10.-24-0010) 08/09/24 The goal of this Notice of Funding Opportunity is to research and develop tangible outputs that analyze, demonstrate or predict climate impacts on global working lands and build resilience through recommended adaptation strategies or that reduce greenhouse gas impacts through recommended mitigation strategies; to improve international climate literacy involving the agriculture, ranching and forestry sectors; and to improve International Climate Hub information and services, and other related topics as proposed. The resulting outputs could include, but are not limited to, white papers published or co-published in peer-reviewed journals, summaries for non-technical audiences for the International Climate Hub website, the creation of tools for the audiences of the International Climate Hub, participation in trainings on the results of the research and outputs, creation of surveys, creation of training modules for International Climate Hub audiences, development of webinars, and the creation of supporting international events, study tours, and initiatives to increase climate related decision making and understanding in natural resources management.  up to $2.5M over 3 years
NSF ACSS: Advanced Computing Systems & Services (NSF 24-583) Limited submission 08/12/24 NSF deadline 10/29/24 The intent of this solicitation is to request proposals from organizations willing to serve as Resource Providers (RPs) within the NSF ACSS program to provide advanced cyberinfrastructure capabilities and/or services in production operation to support the full range of computational- and data-intensive research across all of S&E. The 2024 deadline supports Category I proposals. Resources proposed in this category are intended to be operational deployments of production computational resources that will provide maximum capacity and throughput to support the broad range of computation, data analytics and AI needs in S&E research. The deployments are expected to adhere to a vision of an advanced computing ecosystem as a federated set of resources and services that are heterogeneous in architecture, resource type, and usage mode to collectively meet the Nation’s foundational needs for world-leading computing capabilities. $10-20 million for up to 5 years
DOE Methane Emissions Reduction Program Oil and Gas Methane Monitoring and Mitigation (DE-FOA-0003256) 08/26/24 The FOA objective is to make funds available to a variety of entities for the purpose of mitigating methane emissions from marginal conventional wells (MCWs) and other oil and natural gas assets; accelerating the commercialization, scale-up and application of innovative methane emissions reduction technologies; and advancing the characterization and reduction of methane emissions through multi-scale, measurement-informed data collection and analysis. $30-300M; expect implementation of projects in the field for actual mitigation
DOE Clean Fuels & Products Shot (DE-FOA-0003018) 08/27/24 This program will provide funding to support the Department’s Clean Fuels & Products Shots initiative, which was established to support the national goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 by developing the sustainable feedstocks and conversion technologies necessary to produce crucial fuels, materials, and carbon-based products that are better for the environment than current petroleum-derived components. This FOA seeks applications to address carbon conversion challenges across two areas: (1) engineering-scale electrochemical conversion with a focus on system durability and (2) feasibility studies for refinery and petrochemical facility retrofits. 20% cost share required
NASA TEMPO/ACX Science and Applications Team (ROSES 2024 A.21) 08/30/24 NOI; 10/18/24 proposal The NASA Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) ultraviolet and visible (UV/VIS) spectrometer was launched into space on April 7, 2023, to provide
hourly daytime observations of air quality over North America from geostationary orbit. The NOAA Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) mission will include the
Atmospheric Composition Instrument (ACX), which will provide TEMPO-like observations over a similar domain starting in the mid-2030s. This program element solicits proposals for membership to the joint TEMPO/ACX Science and Applications Team. This team supports basic research and analysis
activities associated with the production, validation, utilization, and application of TEMPO products.
3 year award duration
NSF ERC: Engineering Research Centers (NSF 24-576) 09/03/24 LOI (req'd) 09/30/24 prelim proposal The goal of the ERC program has traditionally been to integrate engineering research and education with technological innovation to transform and improve national prosperity, health, and security. Building upon this tradition, NSF is interested in supporting ERCs to develop and advance engineered systems, which if successful, will have a high Societal Impact. The ERC program supports convergent research (CR) that will lead to strong societal impact. Each ERC has interacting foundational components that go beyond the research project, including engineering workforce development (EWD) at all participant stages, where all participants gain mutual benefit, and value creation within an innovation ecosystem (IE) that will outlast the lifetime of the ERC. These foundational elements are integrated throughout ERC activities and in alignment with the Center's vision and targeted societal impact. The overall impact of the ERC program is expected within the Engineering Community, the Scientific Enterprise, and Society. up to $26M over 5 years, cost share required
NSF Biodiversity on a Changing Planet (NSF 24-574) 09/05/24 The BoCP program is a cross-directorate and international program led by NSF that invites submission of interdisciplinary proposals addressing grand challenges in biodiversity science within the context of unprecedented environmental change, including climate change. Successful BoCP proposals will test novel hypotheses about functional biodiversity and its connections to shifting biodiversity on a changing planet, with respect to both how environmental change affects taxonomic and functional biodiversity, as well as how the resulting functional biodiversity across lineages feeds back on the environment. Proposals that seek to improve predictive capability about functional biodiversity across temporal and spatial scales by considering the linkages between past, present, and future biological, climatic, and geological processes are also encouraged. While this focus complements several core programs at NSF, it differs by requiring an integrative approach to understanding functional biodiversity as it relates to shifting biodiversity under changing environmental conditions. US-only and international partnerships accepted
NSF PDaSP: Privacy Preserving Data Sharing in Practice (NSF 24-585) 09/27/24 Supports the advancement of privacy-enhancing technologies and their use to solve real-world problems. Aligned with a recent executive order on AI, PDaSP will enhance the ability to privately share and analyze data for a range of use cases and applications. Various tracks
NSF Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (NSF 24-569) 10/10/24 To jointly sponsor research collaborations consisting of mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, engineers, and social and behavioral scientists focused on the mathematical and theoretical foundations of AI. Research activities should focus on the most challenging mathematical and theoretical questions aimed at understanding the capabilities, limitations, and emerging properties of AI methods as well as the development of novel, and mathematically grounded, design and analysis principles for the current and next generation of AI approaches. $500k-$1.5M over 3 years
NSF Centers for Chemical Innovation (NSF 23-575) 10/22/24 The Centers for Chemical Innovation (CCI) Program supports research centers focused on major, long-term fundamental chemical research challenges. CCIs are agile structures that respond rapidly to emerging opportunities, demonstrate synergy and added value from collaborations, and engage in chemical research with high potential to transform the field. CCIs integrate research with broader impacts in innovation, higher education and professional development, broadening participation, and informal science communication. Phase II deadline in October; Phase I deadline for this round unclear at this time, Phase I required for Phase II competition. 
NSF PFE RIEF: Professional Formation of Engineers, Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (NSF 20-558) 11/12/24 The PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (PFE: RIEF) program has two goals: 1) Support research in the Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE), and 2) Increase the community of researchers conducting PFE research. PIs are expected to have little or no experience conducting social science or education research. Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE) refers to the formal and informal education and value systems by which people become engineers. It also includes the ethical responsibility of practicing engineers to sustain and grow the profession. The engineering profession must be responsive to national priorities, grand challenges, and dynamic workforce needs; it must be equally open and accessible to all.   Engineering faculty possess both deep technical expertise in their engineering discipline and the primary responsibility for the process of professional formation of future engineers. As such, engineering faculty are in a unique position to help address critical challenges in engineering formation. The Professional Formation of Engineers: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (PFE: RIEF) program enables engineering faculty who are renowned for teaching, mentoring, or leading educational reform efforts on their campus to develop expertise in conducting engineering education research.  
NASA Integrated Water Field Campaign (ROSES 2024 A.14) 11/26/24 This program is intended to identify and characterize novel physical processes and interactions that can be measured by and benefit from observations of water surface elevations over land, ocean, and land-ocean boundaries from SWOT, as well as from
information from ocean salinity data and other relevant ocean products. Of particular interest are investigations exploring novel physical connections characterizing the flows of rivers through complex networks, the fate of riverine waters as they enter the ocean, and the impact of freshwater input on ocean salinity, stratification, heat delivery, and ocean dynamics, with cascading implications for other Earth system processes, e.g., air-sea fluxes of heat, moisture, and gases; sea ice formation and dynamics
4 year awards
NSF Molecular Foundations for Sustainability: Sustainable Polymers Enabled by Emerging Data Analytics (NSF 24-567) 12/05/24 req'd LOI due The goal of MFS-SPEED is to support fundamental research enabling the accelerated discovery and ultimate manufacturing of sustainable polymers using state-of-the-art data science, and to enhance development of a cross-disciplinary workforce skilled in this area. In particular, through this solicitation the research community is encouraged to address the discovery and elaboration of new sustainable polymers or sustainable pathways to existing polymers by the creation and use of a data-centric environment where research projects are focused on new approaches to predicting structure and properties of polymers and advanced soft materials, with insights enabled by data analytics including Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning; This includes more efficient, scalable preparation of monomers and polymers using existing or new synthetic routes and this call aims to train a technical workforce that leverages data analytics to create sustainable polymers and soft materials full proposals due January 16, 2025; up to $2M over 3 years
NSF Research on the Science and Tech Enterprise: Indicators, Statistics, and Methods (NSF 24-587) 01/21/25 Supports analytic and methodological research focused on improving NSCSES data quality, as well as education and training in the use of large-scale nationally representative datasets to advance the understanding of the science and technology enterprise. NCSES welcomes efforts by the research community to use NCSES or other data to conduct research on the S&T enterprise, develop improved survey methodologies that could benefit NCSES surveys, explore alternate data sources that could supplement NCSES data, create and improve indicators of S&T activities and resources, strengthen methodologies to analyze S&T statistical data, and explore innovative ways to communicate S&T statistics. To that end, NCSES invites proposals for individual or multi-investigator research projects, doctoral dissertation improvement awards, conferences, experimental research, survey research and data collection, and dissemination projects under its program for Research on the Science and Technology Enterprise: Indicators, Statistics, and Methods  
DOD R&D Dreicted Energy University Assistance Instruments rolling through 07/18/29 The AFRL Directed Energy Directorate is interested in receiving applications under this announcement to establish assistance agreements with U.S. /U.S. territories’ colleges and universities for directed energy-related basic, applied, and advanced research projects that provide a public purpose and are of interest to the Department of Defense mission. The scope of the research will include the entire spectrum of directed energy technology applicable to the Air Force, including all tangentially related directed energy. The research shall include, but not be limited to the following Core Technical Competencies (CTCs): Laser Systems, Directed Energy and Electro-Optics for Space Superiority, High Power Electromagnetics, and Weapons Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis.  rollling deadlines annually through 2029 or until $49M program ceiling is met
NSF RISBS: Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (PD 23-277Y) open, full proposals accepted anytime RISBS supports projects that create computational tools and data to facilitate basic research in the social and behavioral sciences that can lead to improved health, prosperity and security. Projects should be aimed at creating computational tools and data to enable research by social scientists. Examples include, but are not limited to, data collection or assembly efforts that result in new resources for a community of researchers or software platforms that facilitate data collection efforts by others. RISBS does not support research by PIs except in service of creation of the infrastructure. Innovation is especially encouraged.  
NSF Environmental Sustainability (PD 23-7643) open, full proposals accepted anytime The goal of the Environmental Sustainability program is to promote sustainable engineered systems that support human well-being and that are also compatible with sustaining natural (environmental) systems. These systems provide ecological services vital for human survival. Research efforts supported by the program typically consider long time horizons and may incorporate contributions from the social sciences and ethics. The program supports engineering research that seeks to balance society's need to provide ecological protection and maintain stable economic conditions.  
NSF Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research (NSF 23-578) open, full proposals accepted anytime The Innovation Program supports research to design novel or greatly improved research tools and methods that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences at NSF. The Innovation Program focuses on research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to researchers in three programmatic areas: Bioinformatics, Instrumentation, and Research Methods. Infrastructure supported by this program is expected to advance biological understanding by improving scientists’ abilities to manipulate, control, analyze, or measure critical aspects of biological systems, which can be essential for addressing important fundamental research questions.  
NSF Infrastructure Capacity for Biological Research (NSF 23-580) open, full proposals accepted anytime The Capacity Program focuses on building capacity in research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to a wide range of researchers in three programmatic areas: Cyberinfrastructure, Biological Collections, and Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories. This program will also accept proposals for planning activities or workshops to facilitate coordination that may be necessary in building capacity in infrastructure that meets the needs of a research community. Areas not included in this program are instrumentation (PIs should submit to the MRI program) and, projects that develop infrastructure for a specific research project, laboratory, or institution (PIs should submitted to the relevant BIO programs that would normally support that research).  
NSF RCN: Research Coordination Networks (NSF 23-529) rolling; varies by program The goal of the RCN program is to advance a field or create new directions in research or education by supporting groups of investigators to communicate and coordinate their research, training and educational activities across disciplinary, organizational, geographic, and international boundaries. RCN awards are not meant to support existing networks; nor are they meant to support the activities of established collaborations. RCN awards also do not support primary research. Rather, the RCN program supports the means by which investigators can share information and ideas; coordinate ongoing or planned research activities; foster synthesis and new collaborations; develop community standards; and in other ways advance science and education through communication and sharing of ideas. Participating programs in the Directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO), Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Geosciences (GEO), STEM Education (EDU), Engineering (ENG), Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE), and Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) will accept RCN proposals. PIs are encouraged to discuss suitability of an RCN topic with a program officer that manages the appropriate program. For proposals submitted to the CISE, ENG, SBE and TIP directorates consultation PRIOR to submission is mandatory  $500k; deadline varies by program, webpage indicates a full proposal is "accepted anytime"
NSF DCL: Net-Zero Climate Goals by 2050 (NSF 24-045) varies Dear Colleague Letter encouraging submission of research and education proposals related to Net-Zero Climate Goals, including innovations to create a circular economy; summary of topics of interest and programs to consider apply to core programs with topics listed
NSF DCL: Advanced Wireless (NSF 24-041) varies Dear Colleague Letter encouraging submission of research and education proposals related to Advanced Wireless as an Emerging Industry; summary of topics of interest and programs to consider apply to core programs with topics listed
NSF DCL: Biotechnology (NSF 24-040) varies Dear Colleague Letter encouraging submission of research and education proposals related to Biotechnology as an Emerging Industry; summary of topics of interest and programs to consider     apply to core programs with topics listed
NSF DCL: Quantum Information Science and Engineering (NSF 24-042) varies Dear Colleague Letter encouraging submission of research and education proposals related to QISE as an Emerging Industry; summary of topics of interest and programs to consider     apply to core programs with topics listed
NSF DCL: Artificial Intelligence (NSF 24-039) varies Dear Colleague Letter encouraging submission of research and education proposals related to AI as an Emerging Industry; summary of topics of interest and programs to consider     apply to core programs with topics listed
NSF DCL: Advanced Manufacturing (NSF 24-043) varies Dear Colleague Letter encouraging submission of research and education proposals related to Advanced Manufacturing as an Emerging Industry; summary of topics of interest and programs to consider     apply to core programs with topics listed
NSF DCL: Microelectronics and Semiconductors (NSF 24-038) varies Dear Colleague Letter encouraging submission of research and education proposals related to Microelectronics and Semiconductors as an Emerging Industry; summary of topics of interest and programs to consider     apply to core programs with topics listed

Find medical-related funding opportunities at Stanford Medicine's Research Management Group


Title/Sponsor Deadline Description Amount/Notes
CEC: Cost Share for Federal Clean Energy Funding Opportunities (GFO-21-901) open, no deadline Opportunity to apply for State cost share for federal clean energy funding opportunities. Lists specific federal opportunities in the solicitation, and also includes link to a form to suggest additional federal programs beyond those that are listed.  Workshop presentation slides (ppt file)
CEC: BRIDGE 2024: Bringing Rapid Innovation Development to Green Energy 11/22/24 The purpose of this solicitation is to provide vital support for follow-on funding of projects with the most promising energy technologies that have successfully completed a CEC or U.S. federal agency applied research and development (AR&D) or technology demonstration and deployment (TD&D) award. Applicants must demonstrate in their response both clear intentions and a viable path to commercializing their technology in California.The purpose of this solicitation is to provide vital support for follow-on funding of projects with the most promising energy technologies that have successfully completed a CEC or U.S. federal agency applied research and development (AR&D) or technology demonstration and deployment (TD&D) award. Applicants must demonstrate in their response both clear intentions and a viable path to commercializing their technology in California. $1M-4M; 25% match
CEC: Evaluating Air Quality, Health, and Equity in CA's Clean Energy Transition not yet released To advance research on air quality and health impacts of clean energy transitions in CA and to develop framework to equitably allocate benefits of energy transition fairly among under-resourced communities anticipated release March-June 2024
CEC: Enviro-SET: Environmental Sustainability of Clean Energy Transitions not yet released Possible topics may include monitoring environmental and land use change in response to solar expansion, assessing wildfire risk from renewable energy generation and the built environment, and finding mitigation solutions. anticipated release April-July 2024
CEC: Modeling and Monitoring Air Quality and Co-benefits of Energy Interventions not yet released To improve existing ambient air quality modeling and measurement approaches and conduct analyses to quantify the air quality implications and related human health impacts of clean energy interventions across energy use sectors. anticipated release June - September 2024

Find more funding opportunities from the State of California at the California Grants Portal


Title/Sponsor Deadline Description Amount/Notes
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity Open Evidence for action prioritizes research to evaluate specific interventions that have the potential to counteract the harms of structural and systemic racism and improve health, well-being, and equity outcomes. This funding is focused on studies about upstream causes of health inequities, such as the systems, structures, laws, policies, norms, and practices that determine the distribution of resources and opportunities, which in turn influence individuals' options and behaviors. Research should center on the needs and experiences of communities exhibiting the greatest health burdens and be motivated by real-world priorities. It should be able to inform a specific course of action and/or establish beneficial practices, not stop at characterizing or documenting the extent of a problem.     varies, $200-500k
Simons Foundation: Targeted Grants in Mathematics and Physical Sciences Open This program supports high-rish theoretical mathematics, physics, and computer science projects of exceptional promise and scientific importance on a case-by-case basis Letter of inquiry accepted any time

Find more funding opportunities from foundations at Stanford University Corporate and Foundation Relations


Other funding opportunities can also be found on the funding page curated by Stanford's Office of Technology Licensing

Recurring Funding Opportunities by Topic

Funding Opportunities in the Humanities, Arts, and Interpretive Social Sciences

The RDO team also curates a list of funding opportunities for researchers in the Humanities, Arts, and Interpretive Social Sciences.