Cost Sharing


Cost sharing represents the portion of allowable, allocable, and reasonable [direct and indirect] costs of a sponsored project not paid for by the sponsor and are instead borne by the institution or third party. This topic guides you through proposing, accounting for, monitoring, and closing a cost sharing commitment. The definition, details, and procedures are outlined in RPH 15.3 Cost Sharing. 

Monitor Review and Certify the Cost Sharing PTA

Principal Investigators and their departmental or research administrators are responsible for monitoring the activity in their cost-sharing PTAs in the same manner as sponsored projects. Review and certification requirements applicable to sponsored project PTAs apply to cost-sharing PTAs. 


  • the charges are allowable, allocable, and reasonable (see RPH 15.3 expenses eligible or not for cost sharing)
  • the cost sharing commitments are actually charged to the cost sharing PTA 
  • if the programmatic needs change, possibly reducing the total costs of the project, the Office of Sponsored Research or the 

Research Management Group should be contacted to determine how to handle the change and whether to contact the sponsor to determine the effect of the change on the cost sharing commitment. 

Close the Cost Sharing PTA

OSR will review the cost-sharing PTA to ensure the commitment was met at closeout.

Cost Sharing Checklist

Use the following checklist to guide you through the cost sharing process.

Step # Question Yes No Reference
1 Is cost sharing mandatory or voluntary?     Definitions
2 Does the sponsor allow voluntary cost-sharing?     Expenditures not eligible for cost sharing
3 Identify a source of funds identified to provide for the cost sharing commitment?    

The cost sharing commitment

Source of Funds for cost sharing

4 Create a cost sharing budget     Expenditures eligible for cost sharing
5 Complete the PDRF cost sharing section    

Initiate and Prepare a NEW Proposal Development Routing Form (PDRF) with Cost Share


6 Set up a cost sharing PTA     How To Set up a cost sharing PTA
7 Charge expenses to the cost sharing PTA     Expenditures eligible for cost sharing
8 Monthly review of the PTA and Quarterly Certification of the PTA by the PI    

Review of Project Expenditures by the Research Administrator (Task Manager)

Quarterly Review and Certification of Project Expenditures by the Principal Investigator

9 Fund the PTA     Source of Funds for cost sharing
10 Satisfy the cost sharing commitment     Reporting cost sharing