COI: Training and Other Information
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Changes to Annual Disclosures of Outside Professional Activities
Starting January 2025, Stanford will transition its annual disclosure process for outside professional activities from an annual static cycle (in spring) to a rolling 12-month cycle. This change is designed to enable more timely certifications while reducing and streamlining the peak workload burdens on our schools’ Conflict of Interest teams. Here is what you need to know:
- New Faculty: Faculty who joined Stanford after May 15, 2024, will receive a notification via the Outside Professional Activity Certification (OPACS) system to complete their first disclosure this month. Their yearly disclosure timeline will be based on their last certification date. For example, a certification submitted in February 2025 will set the next due date for February 2026.
- Key Personnel on Sponsored Projects New to OPACS: Any key personnel on sponsored projects (funded awards and submitted proposals) who have not previously disclosed outside activities in OPACS will also receive a notification this month. Their annual disclosure schedule will follow the same rolling timeline as outlined above.
- For all other faculty and key personnel on sponsored projects who have previously submitted an OPACS disclosure, their next certification is due 12 months after the most recent submission. For example, a July 2024 certification will require a renewal by July 2025.
The OPACS system will send individuals reminders 30 days before their disclosure due date with links and pertinent information. If you have any questions about the annual certification process, please visit our COI: Training and Other Information page for additional details or contact your School COI Manager.
Training for Annual COI Disclosure Process in OPACS
Why Do I Have to Complete the OPACS Annual Disclosure?
OPACS (Outside Professional Activities Certification System) certifies compliance with the Stanford's Policy on Conflict of Commitment and Interest. This secure site allows Stanford and SLAC personnel to certify and submit electronically their annual report on outside professional interests.
Annual certification on outside professional activities serves two major purposes. First, it provides each faculty member, those named as senior/key personnel on NIH and NSF proposals and awards, SLAC employees, SLAC PIs, and those who receive Department of Energy funding through SLAC with a reminder about the University's policies in this important area. Second, it provides Stanford with an opportunity to review and document the compliance with Stanford’s policies on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment.
A Conflict of Interest occurs when there is a divergence between an individual's private interests and their professional obligations to the University such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the individual's professional actions or decisions are determined by considerations of personal financial gain.
A Conflict of Commitment usually involves an issue of time allocation that creates a risk of divided loyalty between Stanford and an outside entity. At Stanford, when an individual’s outside professional activities exceed the permitted limits (normally thirteen days per quarter), or when the researcher’s outside professional activities interfere with their professional obligation and commitment to Stanford, a Conflict of Commitment exists.
Who is required to Disclose on the SLAC Annual Disclosure Timeframe ?
All SLAC employees, SLAC PIs, and those who receive Department of Energy funding through SLAC.
How do I disclose?
You will be able to log in to OPACS ( and complete your annual disclosure. A quick reference guide with step-by-step instructions to complete the Annual Disclosure can be found below.
Helpful Resources
- FAQ about the OPACS tool
- Tips for managing outside financial interests
- Conflict of interest resource page
Required COI Training
Stanford faculty who receive PHS funded grants and contracts MUST complete on-line training about Conflicts of Interest before any funds for new grants or competing/non-competing renewals that are received by Stanford.
In addition, Stanford requires all newly-hired faculty to complete training on identifying and reporting conflicts of interest.
COI training provides an overview of high-risk situations which can lead to conflicts of interest for faculty.
Best Practices for Faculty Start-Ups
Stanford is committed to avoiding either perceived or actual conflict of interest issues with respect to faculty start-ups. Both Stanford and faculty have responsibilities to optimize technology transfer and mitigate COI whenever licensing Stanford intellectual property to a faculty start-up is considered.
University/Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) Responsibilities
Make licensing decisions based on OTL’s professional judgment about technology transfer to achieve the best possible benefit to the public, without undue influence from internal or external parties. View the OTL Inventors Guide.
To determine the most effective way to transfer the technology:
- OTL “markets” all Stanford technology to ensure fair and open access to potential licensees:
- Faculty start-ups should not receive or be perceived as receiving preferential treatment.
- Stanford faculty/employees are not allowed to represent the potential licensee and must not negotiate directly with OTL.
- The faculty’s School Dean and the Dean of Research must review any actions that present a potential conflict of interest:
- If OTL, after thorough marketing, determines that a faculty-affiliated company is the appropriate licensee, OTL documents its marketing and rationale for its licensing decision.
- The faculty must disclose to the Deans any interest (consulting fees and/or options) in the start-up.
- The faculty must agree to separate University responsibilities from company responsibilities according to the criteria listed under Faculty Responsibilities, below.
- If the conflict is deemed manageable by the Deans based on this agreement with the involved faculty, OTL may proceed with the licensing.
- OTL licensing agreements may be exclusive or non-exclusive depending on what is most suitable for achieving technology transfer.
Faculty Responsibilities
Separate University duties for research and education from personal financial interests in the company.
Faculty must:
- Separate and clearly distinguish on-going University research from work being conducted at the company.
- Limit consulting for the company to a maximum of 13 days a quarter, per University policy.
- Serve only in advisory or consultative roles at the company:
- Do not take managerial roles or titles (i.e CTO) suggesting management responsibility.
- Take a leave of absence from Stanford if engaging in a management role.
Faculty must not:
- Negotiate with the University on behalf of the company.
- Receive gifts or sponsored research from the company.
- Involve research staff or other University staff in activities at the company;
- Company personnel cannot be affiliated with the University.
- Involve company personnel in Stanford research.
- Involve current students in company activities:
- If a student asks to take a leave of absence to participate in the company, refer the student to the School Dean for review of the request and independent advice.
- Involve junior faculty in company activities for whom you have supervisory responsibility:
- Even if no supervisory role, avoid situations in which junior faculty might feel expected to be involved.
- Use University facilities for company purposes.
- Undertake human subjects research at the University as PI/protocol director.
- Supervise faculty who are PI/protocol directors for human subjects research related to the company.
Request for Information on Identified Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOIs) in PHS-funded Research
In order to request information on a Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) identified on or after 8/24/12 related to Public Health Service (PHS) sponsored research, please click this link to make such a request. This form must be completed and returned via email to facilitate a timely response.
Responsible Conduct of Research Casebook
The HHS Office of Research Integrity has posted a new responsible conduct of research casebook. The teaching resource features cases organized on the following topics: authorship and publication, research misconduct, collaboration, data acquisition and management,conflicts of interest, peer review, mentor and trainee relationships, and social responsibility.
CMS's Open Payments Physician's Database (Sunshine Act)
Physicians who received payments or gifts from pharmaceutical or medical-device companies in the previous fiscal year should allocate several days before the May 15th deadline to register, affirm or dispute any errors in reporting on the government’s Open Payments database. This data will be made public in an online database on June 30th of each year.
Please use the help section on the Enterprise Portal for guidance on how to use the system.
(If a Physician disputes data reported by Industry in the Open Payments database and it has not been resolved by the deadline, the public database will still publish the amounts but with a “disputed” notation.)
CMS's Open Payments Training Slides
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to share that the CMS Open Payments team, in consultation with the AAMC’s FOCI Steering Committee and AAMC Staff, have developed two educational resources for your use: one contains information to educate physicians about the Open Payments program and another for authorized representatives of teaching hospitals.
The Open Payments review and dispute period for physicians and teaching hospitals begins on April 1 and ends May 15 each year.
The resources are available in PowerPoint format on the AAMC’s Open Payments website and are specifically designed to be distributed as a complete slide deck. Please click here to access the Open Payments resources or use the links below.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the Open Payments program, please contact the CMS Open Payments Help Desk at or by calling 855-326-8366.
Association of American Medical College
Created: 12.21.2020
Updated: 01.14.2025