
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


All School and Central Research Administration Offices

Find assistance in your school and central offices:

Graduate School of Education (GSE)

The Graduate School of Education (GSE) research administration supports the pre- and post-award administrative activities of the School and its centers, from the initial proposal submission to final close out. Our mission is to serve as the School’s central resource and expert partner in research administration by providing effective and friendly services. We also strive to ensure compliance with university and sponsor requirements, in support of the research and educational mission of the School.

For assistance contact:

Irene Lam, Contract and Grant Manager GSE

Phone: 650-723-0795




School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

Each department in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences (Stanford Earth) has it own research administrator.

Home to more than 50 centers and research groups, School of Earth Sciences affords its researchers the freedom to look across disciplines for solutions, benefiting from many perspectives. The School of Earth Sciences is home to four departments and two interdisciplinary programs, offering a range of graduate and undergraduate degrees.

The School of Earth Sciences is housed in four buildings:

  • Geology Corner/Braun Hall (Building 320 of the Quad)
  • Ruth Wattis Mitchell Earth Sciences Building
  • Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Earth Sciences Research Building
  • Yang & Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building (Y2E2)

You can see building locations by searching for them on Stanford's Google Map.

Department of Energy Resources Engineering (ERE)

The Department of Energy Resources Engineering (ERE) builds on a foundation of engineering principles to explore Earth's energy resources, including optimizing oil recovery from petroleum reservoirs, carbon capture and sequestration, efficient geothermal engineering, clean and efficient energy conversions, and renewable energy systems

For assistance with research administration, please contact:

Sandra Costa, Department Manager

Department of Environmental Earth System Science (EESS)

The Department of Environmental Earth System Science (EESS) works to understand, predict, and respond to human-caused and natural environmental change at local to global scales. To do so, the department investigates the complexity of the global system, including the interactions, synergies, and feedbacks that link the oceans, atmosphere, land surfaces, and freshwater systems.

For assistance with research administration, please contact:

Siegrid Munda, Sponsored Projects Administrator

Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences (GES)

The Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences (GES) focuses on the history and structure of the Earth, the physics and chemistry of Earth materials, the processes that cycle those materials on a global scale, and the interaction of human activities with geological processes and resources.

For assistance with research administration, please contact:

Javier Illueca, Finance and Sponsored Research Manager

Sarah Saya Hernandez, Research and Financial Administrator

Department of Geophysics (GP)

 Geophysics (GP) is a field that integrates geology, mathematics, and physics in order to understand how the Earth works. Geophysicists study Earth processes through a combination of laboratory experiments, computational and theoretical modeling, remote imaging, and direct observation. Research in the Geophysics Department at Stanford has both fundamental and strategic elements.

For assistance with research administration, please contact:

Claudia Baroni, Research Administrator



School of Engineering (ERA)

Engineering Research Administration (ERA) at the School of Engineering supports the pre- and post-research administrative activities of the school's Principal Investigators. From proposal submission to final close out, ERA helps to promote excellence and growth in research by delivering quality service.



School of Humanities & Sciences

The School of Humanities & Sciences research administration support is provided by the Dean's Office. Assistance with proposal creation and processing as well as post award support and guidance is provided.



School of Medicine/Research Management Group (RMG)

The Research Management Group (RMG) serves as the central resource and expert partner on research administration providing support and oversight of sponsored projects. RMG represents Stanford University as the institutional official for proposal submission and award acceptance ensuring compliance with federal regulations, sponsor requirements, and University policies.



Law School

Frank F. Brucato

(650) 723.2742



Graduate School of Business (GSB)

For sponsored projects proposals and awards please contact Anita Degero.

View the Site


Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research Support for the Independent Labs, Centers, and Institutes

The Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research provides research administration services for faculty in the Independent Labs, Centers, and Institutes in addition to the local research administration staff.

As cognizant Dean for the Independent Laboratories, Centers and Institutes, the Dean of Research oversees the program scope, direction, and resources for them. They report to the Dean because their faculty's research programs cross school lines. In this capacity, the Dean and staff approve the organizational and oversight structures, operating budgets, gift opportunity requests, sponsored project proposals, facility improvements, and HR actions.

Office of Research Administration (ORA)

The premier function of the Office of Research Administration (ORA) is to provide an array of high quality services and expertise to support the research mission and sponsored projects administration at Stanford University.

ORA is led by G. Russell Brewer, Associate Vice President of Research Administration and is an administrative organization within the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer and the Vice Provost and Dean of Research.

As a central organization, ORA collaborates with multiple central and school-based partner groups to provide expertise and deliver effective research administration services, systems, tools and processes to support faculty and staff in soliciting, securing and managing extramural project funding.

ORA is composed of Cost and Management Analysis; Property Management Office; Research Administration Policy and Compliance; Research Financial Reporting, Sponsored Receivables Management; Client Advocacy and Education; Organizational Insights and the Office of Sponsored Research.  ORA also provides oversight for the Stanford Electronic Research Administration (SeRA), eCertification and Clinical Research Invoicing System for Participants (CRISP) systems. 



Office of Sponsored Research (OSR)

The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) provides pre-award and post-award administrative services for sponsored projects. We collaborate with partner groups in other central and school offices to coordinate research administration services, systems, and processes. We review and endorse sponsored projects proposals, negotiate and accept awards, and issue subawards on behalf of Stanford. In addition, we establish accounts in the financial system and fulfill sponsor's financial reporting requirements.

Pre Award Operations

Post Award Operations

Subaward Resources

Sponsored Receivables Management

Client Advocacy & Education

OSR Seminars & Events

ORA Contacts


Industrial Contracts Office

If your research will involve interactions with or funding from industry, or if you need data or other research materials from labs outside Stanford or want to send data or other research materials from Stanford, the Industrial Contracts Office (ICO) will help with the process. ICO negotiates and signs sponsored research, and related research agreements with industry, and material transfers with all types of entities. Industry clinical trial agreements are handled in the Research Management Group.

Research Agreements

ICO negotiates and signs sponsored research and related research agreements with industry, as well as data transfers and material transfers with all types of entities. Industry clinical trial agreements, however, are handled by the RMG in the School of Medicine. ICO negotiates a variety of research contracts from multi-year master research agreements covering many projects, to smaller one-time research projects, with companies large and small. ICO also handles agreements for industry affiliates programs. 

The Industrial Contracts Office website outlines the processes for finalizing the following types of agreements: 

  • Sponsored Research Agreements 
  • Amendments to existing agreements 
  • Research Collaboration Agreements 
  • Confidentiality Agreements 
  • Data Transfer Agreements 
  • Equipment Loans from Industry 
  • Human Tissue Transfer Agreements 
  • Material Transfer Agreements 
  • Software Licenses from Industry 
  • Industry Affiliates Agreements 

Data Agreements

Access to large data sets is a key component of research at Stanford. Often, the data providers or recipients require the researcher or Stanford to sign a written or online agreement. Data agreements are different from Material Transfer Agreements, which generally involve the transfer of tangible laboratory materials such as reagents, cell lines or mice.

Stanford’s research contracting and purchasing offices can answer questions and help researchers navigate agreements for incoming or outgoing data:

  • Agreements with industry should be sent to the Industrial Contracts Office

  • Agreements with government or non-profit entities are handled by the Office of Sponsored Research 

  • Agreements to purchase or store data are handled by the Procurement Office

For more information on handling data agreements and who may sign them, please see the February 2015 memo from the Vice Provost and Dean of Research.


ICO Assignments by Department