
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Research Communication from VPDoR for Chairs and Directors - April 5, 2022

Dear Chairs and Directors, 


As always, we encourage you to share the updates and reminders in this message with faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students who may find the information and links helpful. 


Annual Disclosure of 2021 Outside Professional Activities

By now you will have received information on the Annual Disclosure of 2021 Outside Professional Activities will begin in April. This annual requirement under Stanford's Policy on Conflict of Commitment and Interest  supports the integrity and professional conduct of our research under increased Federal attention. We would like to highlight a few differences in this year’s process. 


First, approximately 150 non-faculty across the university, who have been identified as key personnel on NIH and NSF grants will now be required to participate in the annual disclosure process. All faculty and investigators who must report will be sent an individual email that links them to the OPACS system to begin the disclosure process. Additional, changes include:

  • OPACS system will now allow attachments to be uploaded directly by participants.
  • A new question requesting disclosure of participation in a  foreign talent program with non-US institutions(s).
  • Disclosure of any paid and unpaid interests and commitments.
  • A question on levels of commitment to outside activities and levels of financial interests.


VPDoR has updated the school COI managers regarding these changes and will be providing enhanced training materials to assist in answering questions about the modified questions and use of the OPACS system. Given the importance of this annual requirement, we ask that you do your part in communicating this information to faculty and NIH and NSF funded key personnel in your unit. If you or a member of your team has questions, feel free to contact either your School’s COI manager or the VPDoR COI/COC office at


Export Control Office Update

Our Export Control Office is working to ensure Stanford’s full compliance with sanctions imposed by the United States government on Russia and Belarus. Given the breadth, complexity, and export compliance risk associated with these new controls, the VPDOR’s Export Control Office must be contacted in advance of all proposed Stanford business travel, shipments and hand carries to Russia and Belarus so that an export license assessment and guidance can be provided. The Export Control Office will continue to monitor developments closely and communicate updates as needed.


The Export Control Office is available for consultation on compliance questions that faculty may have. Our Global Engagement Review Program is also available to help ensure and document that activities and agreements are following all policies and to receive advice about how to mitigate any risks.


Marsh O’Neil Awards Nominations

The Marsh O'Neill Award For Exceptional and Enduring Support of Stanford University's Research Enterprise is an opportunity for Stanford faculty to publicly acknowledge outstanding staff members who support their research activity. Any faculty member may nominate any staff member, including Academic Staff, who has made an exceptional and enduring contribution to research and scholarship at Stanford. This renowned award includes a $5,000 prize. 


The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. Monday, April 11th at 5:00 p.m. Additional information about the awards and nomination process can be found here.


Funding Opportunity Spotlight

Below are three prominent sponsored research funding opportunities to spotlight this month. A longer list curated by the Research Development Office is available here.  


Stay safe and be well, 

David & Serena 


David Studdert, Acting Vice Provost for Research; Professor of Health Policy and of Law   

Serena Rao, Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, Vice Provost and Dean of Research