
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Visitor Appointments

Members of the Professorate may invite faculty or other qualified individuals, who are employed or appointed at another institution or organization, to visit Stanford for an extended period in order to advance a collaborative research activity. This webpage and associated tabs (faculty, administrators, visitors) provide links to resources, tools, and other university webpages with content relevant to appointing and onboarding visitors.

Getting Started

The lists below represent a general flow for each stakeholder. Follow the links below for more detail.

Faculty responsibilities:

  1. Describe purpose of the visit
  2. Review relevant policy areas:
    • Academic integrity and undue foreign influence
    • High-risk entity memo
    • Export compliance
    • Conflict of interest
    • Intellectual property
    • Federal sponsor disclosure requirements
    • Industrial affiliates programs 
  3. Contact department administrator for next steps in appointment process

Administrator responsibilities:

  1. Collect visitor information from faculty host
  2. Collect detailed information from visitor candidate
  3. Review visa-related requirements, if applicable
  4. Initiate FASA appointment transaction
  5. Review onboarding information for approved visitor

Visitor information:

  1. Bay Area and Campus Information
  2. Visas and Bechtel International Center
  3. Visitor Responsibilities

Visitor Research Titles

Academic Visitor Titles

(click + to expand for brief description)

Visiting Scholar

Members of the Professoriate invite faculty or other qualified individuals who are employed or appointed at another institution or organization to visit Stanford for an extended period in order to advance a collaborative research activity. Visiting Scholars (RPH 1.5)

Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar

Members of the Professoriate may invite individuals who are postdoctoral scholars appointed at another institution or organization to visit Stanford for an extended period for the purpose of advanced studies, research or training under the guidance of a Stanford faculty sponsor.  Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars (RPH 10.9)

Visiting Faculty (OTS) 

Typically a role encompassing the normal scope of a faculty appointment, i.e., they may teach a course or graduate level seminar and participate in graduate research (but not as a primary advisor).  Holds active faculty status at another institution of higher education and on sabbatical leave during term of appointment at Stanford. Visiting Faculty (AST-OTS Handbook)

Visiting Student Researcher

A visiting student researcher (VSR) is a student who is currently enrolled in a graduate degree program at another university who is visiting Stanford for the purpose of conducting research under the supervision of a Stanford faculty member. Visiting Student Researcher (RPH 10.7)

Undergraduate Visiting Research Intern

During a summer period (June – August), enrolled undergraduate degree-seeking students at other institutions may be invited by Stanford faculty or schools to join a research laboratory as an Undergraduate Visiting Research Intern. Invitations are valid for summer term only and can begin as early as June 1, but may not exceed the 10-week summer term Undergraduate Visiting Research Intern Policy.

Intern - Undergraduate or High School

Trainee/Learning role: candidate here for their own learning on research projects (under supervision and guidance of a Stanford faculty host). Undergraduate students enrolled at another institution must be appointed through the registrar's office.  High school student interns must be at least 16 years old and U.S. citizens. The high school intern role is intended to broaden and enrich the education of high school students and to help prepare them for higher education in their field of interest.

Please see your school Dean's office for more information on your school-specific process.

Quick Links

What's New

New intake forms (using Smartsheet) are available to assist administrators when gathering appointment information from faculty and visitor candidates.  Check with your school dean’s office contact for additional information about how to start using this new resource.



Supporting Units