
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


How To

Find High Powered Computing Facilities

Need access to compute resources beyond your desktop?  There are a variety of compute clusters run by the Stanford Research Computing (SRC) team. 

The SRC manages Sherlock, Stanford's shared compute cluster available for use by all Stanford faculty and their research teams for sponsored or departmental faculty research.  Research teams have access to a base set of general compute nodes, GPU-based servers, and a multi-petabyte Lustre parallel file system for temporary files.

SRC also manages FarmShare, a compute environment available to all students, faculty and staff with fully sponsored SUNetIDs. FarmShare is a great resource for coursework-related and miscellaneous computational tasks.

For high-risk data, there are two SRC-managed alternatives, Nero GCP and Carina On-Prem.

Full information on these and more SRC systems and other services such as training and consultation can be found here.  A handy Getting Started Guide is also on the site.