Research Communication from VPDoR for Chairs and Directors - April 20, 2022
Dear Chairs and Directors,
We write this time to share information on searches for two faculty leadership positions, ORCID, and several funding opportunities.
As always, you are welcome and encouraged to share relevant parts of the updates and reminders in this message with faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students who may find the information and links helpful.
Faculty Leadership Opportunities: Senior Associate Vice Provost for Research and Senior Associate Vice Provost for Clinical Research Governance
Later this week, VPDoR will be launching searches for two faculty leadership positions in the Office of the VPDoR: Senior Associate Vice Provost for Research and Senior Associate Vice Provost for Clinical Research Governance.
The first search is triggered by the impending departure of Professor Tim Stearns, Acting Dean of Research and Senior Associate Vice Provost. Tim leaves us for a dean’s position at Rockefeller University after nearly 30 years of remarkable service to Stanford.
The second search aims to fill a new position to help oversee compliance with the University’s legal and ethical obligations related to our growing clinical research portfolio; the position will report dually to the VPDoR and the Dean of the School of Medicine.
Please look for these coming announcements and help promote them to interested faculty.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) Benefits at Stanford
The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) provides authors with a way of uniquely and persistently identifying their contributions to scholarly work. It is rapidly emerging as a standard bibliometric identifier.
ORCID is a trusted non-profit enterprise, and its usage is encouraged. In November 2020, the Stanford Faculty Senate voted to endorse adoption for all members of the Academic Council. Subsequently, a collaboration between the VPDoR, University IT, Stanford University Libraries, and the School of Medicine has been engaged in streamlining connections to ORCID for the Stanford community. Stanford Libraries provides more information here:
The following links may also be helpful:
· Consider registering for an ORCID at
· Link your ORCID to SUNet via - this will update Stanford Profiles and sync publications if the “Read & Update” box is checked (recommended).
· Link your ORCID to SciENcv for NIH, NSF, and IES bio sketches, allowing you to import publications (
· Link ORCID to other publishing tools you use daily, such as Overleaf and
Funding Opportunity Spotlight
We are spotlighting three sponsored research funding opportunities this month. A longer list curated by the Research Development Office (RDO) is available here.
NSF Convergence Accelerator (NSF 22-583) Phases 1 and 2 for Tracks H (Enhancing Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities), I (Sustainable Materials for Global Challenges), and J (Food Nutrition & Security): Using a convergence approach and innovation processes like human-centered design, user discovery, and team science and integration of multidisciplinary research, the Convergence Accelerator program seeks to transition basic research and discovery into practice. Awards Phase 1 up to $750k; Phase 2 up to $5M total over 2 years. Required LOI due to NSF by 05/31/22; full proposals due 07/20/22.
W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program (Cycle 2 - June 2023 Award) to support “out-of-the-box” projects by single investigators or interdisciplinary teams that push forward basic science, present unconventional approaches to intractable problems, or challenge prevailing paradigms in two specific areas (1) medical research and (2) science and engineering. Breakthrough, high-risk projects that have failed to secure funding from conventional sources (NSF, NIH, etc.) are highly encouraged. Awards up to $1,000,000. LIMITED SUBMISSION: Internal applications due 05/09/22; selected applications due to Keck 11/01/22.
DOE Mathematical Multifaceted Integrated Capability Centers (MMICCs; DE-FOA-0002704) to enable greatly enhanced scientific discovery, design, optimization or decision-support capabilities for the increasingly complex systems, processes, and problems that arise in science and energy research. Awards up to $15,000,000 total. FAST TURN AROUND and LIMITED SUBMISSION: Internal applications due 05/04/22; selected pre-proposals due to DOE 05/17/22.
Stay safe and be well,
David and Serena
David Studdert, Acting Vice Provost of Research; Professor of Health Policy and of Law
Serena Rao, Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Operations, Vice Provost and Dean of Research