International Shipments/Travel to Russia: Export License Assessments Now Required
Dear Stanford Stakeholders,
In late February and early March 2022, US export controls were placed on all international shipments, hand carries, and third-country shipments to Russia and Belarus for a vast majority of items on US export control lists. These items fall into the areas of microelectronics, computers, telecommunications, sensors, lasers, navigation, avionics, and marine, aerospace and propulsion items (control categories linked below). Additionally, the list of restricted Russian and Belorussian end-users and end-uses was significantly expanded.
Export licenses are now required to ship or hand carry these items to Russia and Belarus, either directly or from another country. Furthermore, the Administration instituted a policy of license denial, with only limited exceptions. An export, reexport or in-country transfer of these items to or within Russia or Belarus without a license is a violation of US export regulations.
Given the breadth, complexity, and export compliance risk associated with these new controls, please contact the VPDOR's Export Compliance office in advance of all proposed Stanford business travel, shipments and hand carries to Russia and Belarus so that an export license assessment and guidance can be provided.
The Export Compliance office is committed to facilitating Stanford’s research and teaching mission while protecting its vibrant academic community.
Category 3 - Electronics Design Development and Production
Category 4 - Computers
Category 5 Part 1 - Telecommunications
Category 5 Part 2 - Information Security
Category 6 - Sensors and Lasers
Category 7 - Navigation and Avionics
Category 8 - Marine
Category 9 - Aerospace and Propulsion