
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


iLab for Stanford Administrators

Intended Audience


Time to Complete

Time to Complete

< 1 hour

Stanford Shared Scientific Facilities provide specialized scientific services, instruments, equipment, supplies, technologies, and technical expertise to support research.  

iLab is a web application some Stanford Shared Scientific Facilities have adopted to manage the process of requesting, scheduling and billing. It provides researchers and administrators at Stanford and outside institutions a centralized marketplace and billing system.

Researchers who want to obtain and pay for the offerings of these facilities must use iLab. Administrators who support those researchers must use iLab to review and approve financial transactions.

This course is for financial administrators who must use iLab. In the iLab system they are termed iLab Lab Manager - we will use Manager for short. Although the term is the same, this role is different from that of the typical Stanford lab manager.