
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Expenditure Statement Reconciliation and Review

Intended Audience


Time to Complete

Time to Complete

1 hour

This course is also part of Cardinal Research Administration Foundation Training (CRAFT) program. If you are working toward a CRAFT Level 2 certificate, this class is an elective. We recommend you take it after taking the required CRAFT Level 2 classes.

Financial and research administrators have an important role in implementing Stanford University policy and federal regulations. Whenever we perform a task involving Stanford finances, we provide financial data to the University. The University uses this information to manage its budget and to recover direct and indirect costs from our sponsors. Reconciliation and review are critical processes that help ensure this financial data is accurate. People who reconcile and review expenditure statements, or who are responsible for department or project financial transactions and budgets should take this course.  This course is intended to teach the skills and concepts necessary to reconcile and review expenditure statements.  The course assumes that you have a working knowledge of OBI.

Prerequisites:  FIN-0340 Introduction to OBI Financial Reporting, recommended