
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


NIH NRSA Fellowship Workshop

Intended Audience

AdministratorsPI and Research Team

Time to Complete

Time to Complete

3 hours

This course is also part of Cardinal Research Administration Foundation Training (CRAFT) program. If you are working toward a CRAFT Level 2 certificate, this class is an elective. We recommend you take it after taking the required CRAFT Level 2 classes.

NRSA F Series Individual Postdoctoral and Pre-doctoral Fellowships

Required computer lab sessions - Zoom Workshops (DOR-1218)


Required NIH NRSA F Series Computer Lab Sessions-especially for those submitting (or resubmitting) their applications.

Required Computer Lab Sessions

We will be completing your REAL application in ASSIST and completing some of the administrative sections in these hands-on lab sessions. This training is completely web based. We will be completing the required Stanford-specific internal routing form (PDRF) in the SeRA system. Margery Corbett from the Research Management Group (RMG) Fellowship Office and other RMG staff will be on hand to assist each of you with your application.

The labs will be covering the new forms required (per the reissued program announcements). Therefore, if you are resubmitting an application, even though you attended a session before your initial application submission, you must sign up for one of the following 3-hour sessions.

Searchable Campus map:


NIH NRSA Resource Webpage

You can find copies of the materials for the in-person workshop here.



  1. If I sign up for the computer lab session, am I committed to submit an application for the next standard deadline? No, taking the class is not a commitment to submit. Often, attendees delay submitting their proposal until the next cycle. And, those same attendees who delay often choose to attend a second time closer to their deadline
  2. Will this course provide any suggestions on how to write a successful research proposal and/or tips about other attachments for specific research plans/career goals/etc.? During the class, we review each of the attachments. However, the class does not focus on grant writing but on completing the administrative sections of the application so that you can focus more of your time outside of the class on the scientific elements of the proposal. Biosciences Grant Writing Academy (for graduate students and postdocs)
  3. Can we bring our own iPad/laptop to the course to fill out electronic forms? The lab is equipped with a PC for each student.   However, please bring your phone so you can access the two-step authentication code.


By the time of award, the individual must be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (i.e., possess a currently valid Permanent Resident Card USCIS Form I-551, or other legal verification of such status).


Please review the program announcement for eligibility criteria. You are strongly encouraged to contact the NIH institute program official listed the Table of Institute/Center Contacts for each program announcement to discuss your eligibility and your research project to determine if you are considering the correct institute for your application.