Undergraduate Salaries Charged to Sponsored Projects - Implementation Procedures
February 2012
See RPH: Undergraduate Salaries Charged to Sponsored Projects
The revised policy, dated February 1, 2012, is implemented as follows:
Effective immediately, undergraduate student salaries will carry full indirect costs on all proposals.
Existing Awards
All active sponsored awards with undergraduate student salaries charged prior to February 1, 2012 are grandfathered under the prior policy waiving indirect costs on undergraduate salaries in effect at the time the award was accepted.
New Awards
For all awards received on or after February 1, 2012, including any awards that result from proposals submitted earlier and competing renewals of earlier awards, the full, applicable indirect cost rate will be charged to undergraduate salaries.
Expenditure Types affected by this Policy
ET 51460 Research Assistant Undergraduate will be subject to F&A starting February 1, 2012.