ORCID Authorization Portal
Sync your Stanford and ORCID publications to save time, establish a more authoritative online profile, and build your CVs faster.
The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) has emerged as an important component in digital research infrastructure, increasingly employed by federal agencies in CVs, funding and reporting workflows, and more. ORCID.org is a trusted, independent, non-profit third party. More information about ORCID and how to make the most of your ORCID iD can be found in excellent resources maintained by Stanford Libraries.
Via collaboration between VPDOR, Stanford Libraries, University IT, and the School of Medicine, Stanford has built a web portal by which anyone can link their SUNet ID and their ORCID iD. Every researcher at Stanford is encouraged to do so.
By linking these accounts, you will strengthen the validity of your online credentials in several online systems, and can streamline workflows in cv creation via SciENcv, which can properly formate biosketches for NIH, NSF, and IES funding proposals (required for NSF).
If you choose the READ and UPDATE permission level, Stanford will sync as much of your information as possible on your behalf, including but not limited to your publications in Stanford Profiles (recommended). This process respects each individual's choice for how to treat your data. You are not required to link your ORCID, but the more services that are linked (SUNet, ORCID, SciENcv, eRA Commons, PubMed, etc.) the more we reduce redundant re-keying of information by researchers, who, quite frankly have better things to do.