
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Export Controls Decision Tree: CCL-Listed Item


Is the CCL-listed item to be shipped or hand carried to a foreign country?

YES           NO

If it is determined, after consultation with Stanford's Export Control Office, that the CCL-listed item does not require an export license but may be shipped under a License Exception or a "No License Required" (NLR) designation, Stanford's preferred Customs Broker/Freight Forwarder, JAS Forwarding USA (650-581-7230,, is available to handle these transactions. JAS holds Stanford's Master Customs Power of Attorney.

As required by law, all original shipping documents (Pro Forma or Commercial Invoices, Air Waybills, Bills of Lading, and other freight forwarding/logistics paperwork) must be kept locally for a minimum of 5 years from the date of export.  In addition, the PI, the Project Manager, or another person to whom this responsibility is delegated must submit the appropriate electronic export control form per RPH 8.7 describing certain relevant details of the export, including but not limited to the item, the item's destination, and the purpose of the shipment or hand carry.

