
2025 Federal Administration Transition Information & Resources - This will be updated as new information is available.


Research Communication from VPDoR for Chairs and Directors - November 21, 2022

Dear Chairs and Directors,


In this month’s Chairs Letter, we reflect on staying connected in our hybrid work environment, summarize what you need to know about new NIH requirements for proposals, update you on progress of the Committee on Electrical Resilience for the Research Enterprise, and introduce Claudius Mundoma, the inaugural director of shared instrumentation facilities. As usual, feel free to share all or portions of this letter with any faculty or staff you believe would benefit from this information.


Fostering connections in a hybrid work environment


This week, there was a rich discussion at the executive cabinet meeting about how others are navigating hybrid work. Here’s what resonated with us, and we welcome hearing your thoughts on how you are navigating this stage of our hybrid world:

●      We miss the spontaneous nature of connection through conversations in person. Dealing with issues in the moment gets work done efficiently and bolsters relationships.

●      Many students need more in-person connections with mentors, advisors, other students, and especially faculty to help build their confidence, acquire expertise from experts, and embrace new challenges as part of our community of scholars.

●      New faculty, especially junior faculty, deeply value meaningful engagement with faculty colleagues. There’s also mutual value in mentorship and collaboration as we jointly develop intellectual ideas and best practices for teaching our students. 

We leave you with this reflection—what can we all do to foster a stronger sense of community within and across our units?


New NIH requirements for proposals in January 2023


Beginning January 25, 2023, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will require the submission of a Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP or DMP) with all new proposals that involve the generation of scientific data.


VPDoR, the Stanford University Libraries, the School of Medicine, and others have partnered to prepare a support package for principal investigators and research teams across campus who will be affected by this change.


The Lane Library has created a resource guide that explains the process. More information for investigators will follow in direct outreach to them. Questions concerning privacy, security, or ELSI (ethical, legal, or social implications) should be directed to Scott Edmiston ( in VPDoR.


Researchers planning to submit NIH proposals in the new year should start planning now by prioritizing (1) selection of the appropriate repository for data sharing and secondary uses, (2) budgeting/planning for curation and deposit of data into such repository, and (3) drafting a DSMP/DMP (Data Sharing and Management Plan/Data Management Plan).


Update Committee on Electrical Resilience for the Research Enterprise


After the campus-wide electrical disruption in June of this year, the Provost and VPDoR created the Committee on Electrical Resilience for the Research Enterprise comprised of faculty, Senior Associate Deans, and LBRE leadership to develop forward-looking measures to mitigate known risks in our research enterprise in the face of unexpected emergencies. Specifically, Committee's goal was to finalize recommendations on the changes and investments needed to protect the research enterprise during future power outages, including preparedness, response, and mitigation.


The Committee has made significant progress.  It hosted six engagement meetings including faculty vignettes from non-committee members, presentations from LBRE, input from UIT, and conversations with Facilities Directors.  The Committee conducted a situational analysis to gain deeper insight into our preparedness's faults and the extended recovery required to resume research.


Recommendations on the changes and investments needed to protect the research enterprise during future power outages are currently being shared with the Provost. The recommendations focus on five key areas—improve backup power capacity, implement clear crisis communications protocols, assess electrical reliability, support emergency management training, and provide relief for students and postdocs who are adversely impacted.



Introducing Dr. Claudius Mundoma, director of shared instrumentation facilities


In October,  we welcomed Claudius Mundoma to the VPDoR team as the inaugural director of shared instrumentation facilities.      This new position will lead implementation and evaluation of the Shared Research Platforms initiative, and be a key contributor in setting the future strategic directions for the initiative. Claudius will also staff the Community of Shared Advanced Research Platforms (c-ShARP), provide ongoing assessment of instrument needs and capabilities in support of research excellence, and serve as a convener of and an advocate for the shared facilities community


Prior to joining Stanford, Claudius served as Director of Core Facilities and Shared Intrumentation at the University of Colorado at Boulder..



Stay safe and be well,


Kam Moler

Vice Provost and Dean of Research


David Studdert

Senior Associate Vice Provost of Research



The mission of the Office of VPDoR is to provide guidance and support to facilitate, nurture, and safeguard a thriving research ecosystem. As always, we welcome your suggestions of issues we should consider and topics we should cover in the Chair’s Letter. Please share your feedback with Lucy Okumu, director of communications in VPDoR.